Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fourth of July Picnic and Fireworks

Red, White & Blue Picnic and Fireworks
Saturday, July 4th, 2009
San Ramon Central Park
Presented by Shapell Homes

The City of San Ramon’s Red, White & Blue Picnic & Fireworks is scheduled for Saturday, July 4th in San Ramon's Central Park located at 12501 Alcosta Blvd from 5pm - 10pm. Enjoy our beautiful park setting with a family picnic and music from KKIQ radio being broadcast for your listening enjoyment. There will be a spectacular fireworks display synchronized to music at 9:30 p.m. For those of you not in Central Park, the accompanying music for the fireworks can be heard on KKIQ radio, 101.7.

Everyone is encouraged to bring a picnic to the park, enjoy time with family and friends and celebrate the birthday of our great nation. Please note that there will not be any food booths or live entertainment on-site this year. Plan to bring your food and non-alcoholic beverages with you. Please be kind to your pets and leave them secure at home.

The charge for parking in lots surrounding Central Park will be $10 per car. Handicapped parking will be located in the Community Center lot off of Alcosta Blvd. Residents are encouraged to go green and carpool and walk to the park to help the environment.

From the 680 Freeway exit at Bollinger Canyon and head east to Central Park.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tips for Improving Memory

Have you ever been introduced to someone, only to forget her name two seconds after you shake her hand?

Don't worry. This is NOT evidence that you're losing your mind. Turns out, it's actually an extremely common occurrence for many people. The good news is there is plenty of research on the subject and there are a number of simple, practical steps you can take to improve your memory now and long into the future.

With that in mind, here are a couple of great tips for proactively strengthening your memory:

Tip #1: Neurobic Exercise
You know all about the wonderful effects aerobic exercise has on the heart, but have you heard of neurobic exercise for the brain?

According to Lawrence Katz, co-author of Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercises, the best exercise for the brain is to force it to form "new patterns of association" or new pathways. In other words, challenge your brain every day. take it off autopilot and make it relearn or create new associations with the most routine activities of your day.

Katz's book offers numerous examples of small changes you can make to activate your brain, including: brushing your teeth with the other hand; taking an alternative route to work; moving your wastebasket to the other side of your desk; closing your eyes while putting your key in and unlocking the front door; and changing where you and your family members sit at the dinner table.

So if you feel like your memory might be starting to slip a bit, try some of these simple neurobic exercises today!

Tip #2: Mnemonic Drilling
There are actually three steps or stages of memorization: acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval. That means, once we acquire new information, like someone's name for instance, the way in which we consolidate that data will directly affect how well we're able to retrieve it from memory.

Whether you're a visual or auditory type of learner, there are many mnemonic devices that can help you to better organize or consolidate the new information that you need to recall.

Here's an example of simple steps that might help:

First, associate the data you want to remember with common images. For instance, let's say you meet someone named Jennifer Green. Imagine Jennifer playing golf, or picture her wearing all green clothes, or imagine her face painted completely green.

Second, think of associations you can use to help you remember this person. For instance, link Jennifer to the quality that best fits her personality (use alliteration and rhymes whenever possible): Jolly Jennifer Green.

Finally, connect sound to your memory by saying the name aloud.

Do this regularly and, before you know it, you'll never forget anyone's name again!

Info from MMG Weekley